This is not the kind of book one enjoys reading. This is not the kind of book that anyone should even have to read. Or write, for that matter.
But I am grateful to the authors for their gift of carefully and courageously writing about a very tough subject. It’s a subject that I can barely type, and I’m only writing a review of the book–a review that probably won’t even be read by very many people.
I am at a loss of words as to what to say regarding this book , but I think it is important to bring attention to this very valuable and theologically sound resource. I’ve read a couple of other reviews by writers much more capable than myself, so I’m borrowing from their writings to give an overview of the book:
Aaron Armstrong: Blogging Theologically
Rid of My Disgrace is a hard book to read. It’s one that will make you weep, either when you’re reading it… or if you’re like me, days and weeks after when you look at it again. It vividly portrays the evil of sexual assault and the tragedy of its effects on its victims. But thankfully, the authors are equally vivid in detailing the hope that the gospel offers those who suffer.
Another good review is by Carl Truman at Reformation 21
Thank you for your kind words about the book and for getting the word out on this topic.